Today is really all we have

There is a lot to consider when we think about being healthy and happy. The first thing that might come to mind when we think about our health is diet.

However – There are many things that contribute to ill health and an overwhelmed immune system. The pollution we breathe, lack of sleep, and stress also contribute. Even our attitude plays a role in our health. So where do we even start? We start with what we can control. There are a lot of things we can change, and we have more power than we may realize.

Our health and well being starts with change. You may have a healthy diet and suffer from stress. Change it just for today. You may have a great exercise program but a crappy diet. Change it just for today. You may show the world you have it all together while falling apart inside. Change it just for today. We all have the power within us to make a change “just” for today. That’s where we start because all we really have is today.

What I hope to do here is give you some motivation and ways to make some changes to improve your life – just for today.

I hope these pages will help those looking for better health and well being.

Lets enjoy this very day. Lets look for the good and the joy thru our day. It’s there. It’s actually everywhere. We just need to “see” it. Then.. let’s put one foot in front of the other and live this day.

Let’s do the best we can to be healthy and happy TODAY.

In the MENU up above you will find my HEALTH & WELLNESS page where I share some of what I have learned. My GARDENING page and MY BOOK page – MY MONTANA page. Follow me on Pinterest and follow me on Facebook.

I look forward to having you visit here often!

I am a retired CNWC (Certified Nutrition & Wellness Counselor) with more than 25 years of experience. During my career, I have written health-related articles for a large natural health website, wrote a weekly column in a Montana newspaper, had my own Health Tidbits Newsletter, and wrote many research papers for clients.